The Leas School,  Hoylake

Names in italics: cross references OR unverified

If a name in the Names index is printed in italics, this may indicate:

1. that the name is a cross-reference to another form of the name; OR

2. that the name is unverified.


This app does not offer an image, transcription or citation of any document associating this name with The Leas. In some cases the person's Leasian status is pretty certain, but no document has yet been found to confirm that status.

In other cases the person's Leasian status is less certain, and the name has been included in the hope that someone will offer evidence which confirms, corrects, or denies that status.

Archivists in schools, universities, and other organisations have been extremely helpful in making information available. Occasionally such information has been made generally available, by deposition in a local archive, or by publishing on the web (sometimes accessible only by subscription). In many cases archivists have responded to specific enquiries related to this Leasian project; this repetitive and time-consuming work by archivists is here acknowledged, with apologies for the inability of this project to offer any financial reward.

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